Balance of Creation E-Learning

Health and Safety for Supporting Children

Health and Safety for Supporting Children

Product description

This course aims at refreshing your knowledge on Health and Safety practice while taking care and supporting children. 

Health and Safety training is a legal requirement for all employees working in the health and social sector. It gives one the knowledge and skilss that are necessary to support individuals as well as themselves.

Course Duration: 1 Hr 45 Min


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Key Highlights

  • CPD Accredited Approved: yes
  • Course Duration:
  • Course Level: Level 2

All topics of Courses

# Topics Parent Topic
1 Getting Started
2 Introduction
3 Health and Safety Law
4 Moving and Handling Children
5 Home Safety
6 Health Care for Children
7 Infection Control and Food Hygiene
8 Supporting Children with Medication
9 Managing Behavior
10 Module Completion