Balance of Creation E-Learning

Moving and Handling Lite

Moving and Handling Lite

Product description

This is a lighter mandatory training for health and social care staff that work in care homes, hospital wards, day centres or at home. 

Health and social care workers have a ‘duty of care’ to ensure that the individuals they support are supported to move safely and must complete this training before supporting an individual to move in a professional capacity.

This moving and handling course will provide learners with an introduction to safe manual handling practices, including safe and unsafe moves, how to protect their back and how to operate equipment.

Course Duration: 1 Hr


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Key Highlights

  • CPD Accredited Approved: yes
  • Course Duration:
  • Course Level: Level 2

All topics of Courses

# Topics Parent Topic
1 Getting Started
2 Introduction
3 Anatomy and Physiology
4 Safe Moving Techniques
5 Unsafe Moves
6 Module Completion